İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi

  • Career Guidance Centre

    Internship Application Guide

    Internship Application Information and Requirements:
    You can submit your internship applications through the old student information system and take advantage of both compulsory and voluntary internship options. Below are the necessary details for both types of internships:

    1. Compulsory Internships:

    • Insurance: Occupational accident and disease insurance is covered by our University.
    • Free Days: You must have at least three free days per week during your internship period.
    • Application Deadline: Applications must be submitted at least 15 days before the internship start date.


    2. Voluntary Internships:

    • Insurance: Occupational accident and disease insurance is covered by our University.
    • Free Days: You must have at least two free days per week during your internship period.
    • Application Deadline: The initial voluntary internship application period is limited to 20 weeks. If the internship exceeds 20 weeks, you must reapply at least 15 days before the new start date.


    Application Process:

    1. Filling out the Application Form: Enter your student number, internship start and end dates, and internship type (compulsory/voluntary) accurately and completely.
    2. Career Guidance Center Approval: After submitting your application, it will be reviewed and either approved or rejected by the Career Guidance Center.
    3. Internship Site Approval: The company where you will intern must approve your application. An SMS and email will be sent to the company automatically for digital approval. If the company does not accept digital confirmation or if security filters prevent communication, you must manually obtain a stamp and signature on the internship acceptance form (PDF) and upload it to the system within 3 days.
    4. Eligibility (Müstehaklık) Certificate and SGK Employment Declaration: Obtain your health provision eligibility certificate from e-Devlet and upload your SGK employment declaration to the system.
    5. IUE Internship Committee Approval: After obtaining approvals from both the Career Guidance Center and your internship site, wait for final approval from your internship committee instructor.

    Once your application is complete, you can track your status under the "My Applications" section. For any questions, please contact us at staj@ieu.edu.tr.

    Good luck with your internship applications!

    Internship Application Guide

    Eligibility Certificate

    Statement of Employment

    Compulsory Internship

    Internship Acceptance Form





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